The traditional Latin Mass has been much talked about in the Catholic Church of late. It’s been at the centre of many reports in the media, both the Catholic and secular press. But as often happens with such things facing media scrutiny, many people may not have had personal experience with the topic in question, which on this occasion is the traditional Mass. Many will have only heard of it, and perhaps treat it with suspicion, apathy, or rejection, but have not personally encountered it.
For this reason, LifeSiteNews undertook a project to find out more about the ancient liturgy, particularly from Catholics in England. As LifeSite’s Vatican correspondent hailing from England, this task was mine. Both clerics and laity spoke about the Mass and what impact it has had for them and their families.
Priests noted the growth of the attendance at the traditional Mass, particularly amongst young people. They highlighted the manner in which the ancient liturgy holds a particular attraction for young people in prompting them to pursue a vocation, whether it be to the priesthood or to religious life.
Meanwhile, those attending the Mass spoke about what it was that attracted them to it – whether it was the silence, the teaching, the presence of those living their faith authentically. The impact in had on families was noted, with many large, young families in England now being formed by the timeless teaching contained in the traditional Mass.
“This is the fullest way, this is the way the Church has done things,” said one young man. “I would like to do that myself, and live as my ancestors have done.”
Such sentiments have been often echoed by Cardinal Raymond Burke, who in 2021 stated that “the More Ancient Usage of the Roman Rite is a great treasure in the Church, going back to the time of Pope Saint Gregory the Great and even before. It must be fostered and continued in the Church.”
I know so many lay faithful and also priests who have told me that being able to assist at the Holy Mass according to the usus antiquior has so helped them to deepen their understanding and their appreciation and their participation in the Holy Mass.
LifeSiteNews has authorized the publication of this video on this channel first, before an updated version is to be shortly published on