Bp. Mutsaerts: Fiducia Supplicans the fruit of a pro-homosexual ‘pressure group’
The auxiliary bishop argued thus in his foreword to a newly published book, which states Fiducia Supplicans is the ‘crowning achievement’ of LGBT activists.
ROME (PerMariam) — Bishop Robert Mutsaerts, the auxiliary bishop of the Diocese of ‘s-Hertogenbosch, has attested that the controversial Declaration Fiducia Supplicans is the result of “a process prepared by a very well-organized pressure group within the Catholic Church.”
Penning the foreword for a new book written by theologians José A. Ureta and Julio Loredo – entitled “The Breached Dam: The Fiducia Supplicans Surrender to the Homosexual Movement” – Bp. Mutsaerts issued a stern critique of the Vatican’s text.
He accused Fiducia Supplicans of breaking with Sacred Scripture and Tradition with regards the “moral implications of homosexuality,” and ridiculed the Declaration’s claim that it is consistent with the 2021 Vatican Responsum which rejected the possibility of blessing same-sex unions.
“The view that FS is consistent with this Responsum and the doctrine and tradition on the subject is untenable. FS presents obvious contradictions,” he wrote. {The full text of His Excellency’s foreword is found below}
However, while the bishop’s condemnation of Fiducia Supplicans is striking, as is his concurrent critique of papal catchphrases, such aspects are arguably not the most prominent aspects of his brief foreword.
That title must be handed to his final lines, in which he attests to, or admits the existence of, a dedicated lobby within the Catholic Church to promote the homosexual cause. {Ureta and Loredo note that by “homosexual” they refer only to people practicing homosexuality, not those who merely have same-sex attraction.}
Bp. Mutsaerts writes:
For these reasons, I welcome the clarification provided by the timely book The Breached Dam by José Antonio Ureta and Julio Loredo. It fully demonstrates how Fiducia supplicans is the result of a process prepared by a very well-organized pressure group within the Catholic Church.
Such a claim is echoed by co-authors Ureta and Loredo, who lament that “an in-depth study of how, for several decades, a powerful LGBT lobby has been established within the Catholic Church has been missing.”
Describing the operations of such a “lobby,” Ureta and Loredo stated via a press release that it “has been able to operate skillfully in the realm of social activism as well as in the academic and theological realms, with the goal of eliminating from Catholic doctrine the gravely sinful character that the Church attributes to homosexual acts and, even, to have them approved as authentic signs of Christian love.”
Making the claim about such a group, Ureta and Loredo state that The Breached Dam aims to provide historical context and evidence, and to relate the lobby to the promotion of Fiducia Supplicans’ author Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández to lead the Vatican’s CDF.
The new book will “reliably demonstrate that the Argentine prelate’s [Cardinal Fernández’s] arrival at the head of the DDF and his resounding declaration Fiducia Supplicans, constitute nothing more than the crowning achievement of the aforementioned project of opening up to homosexuality carefully carried out within significant sectors of the Church,” the pair state.
{Editor’s note: An online version, or downloadable PDF version of the book, can be found here.}
Bp. Mutsaerts’ full foreword to The Breached Dam
The Fiducia Supplicans declaration (FS) has caused a stir worldwide, not least because of the confusion it creates. FS provides for the possibility of blessing same-sex couples when, two years earlier (Responsum 2021), the Vatican had clearly spoken out against this possibility. The view that FS is consistent with this Responsum and the doctrine and tradition on the subject is untenable. FS presents obvious contradictions. The Bible and Tradition are perfectly consistent when it comes to the moral implications of homosexuality. FS breaks with this by offering the possibility of blessing a sinful relationship in God’s name. Of course, the fact that this blessing may only last a few minutes and is not given near an altar does not change this truth. There is no basis in Scripture or Tradition for such a blessing.
Cardinal Fernández said the doctrine of marriage remains unchanged. But that is not the question. The question is: Can a priest give his blessing to a union that the Bible considers sinful? This is a rhetorical question. Surely, you are asking God’s blessing to heal the brokenness in your life, not to perpetuate your disordered situation. One cannot reject God’s judgment and moral demands and still appeal to His mercy.
The problem lies mainly in the fact that FS does not address the moral dimension of the relationship. FS refuses to name evil. In this respect, it is in tune with the current zeitgeist: The denial of sin, which is a consequence of the dominant subjectivism and relativism today, and the denial of truth, which, by definition, applies to everyone at all times.
Another problem is that mercy is proclaimed without repentance. Everyone is welcome. Todos, todos, todos,* everyone, Pope Francis incessantly shouts. Is everyone welcome? Certainly. But not unconditionally. God makes demands. The entire Bible could be summed up as a call to repentance and a promise of forgiveness. One cannot be separated from the other. Everyone is welcome, but not everyone accepts the invitation. We certainly know the parable of the king who invites everyone to his son’s wedding feast. There comes a time when the door is closed. In hell, a different scenario prevails. There, everyone is unconditionally welcomed. The devil’s slogan is: Come as you are.** You do not have to change. You do not have to ask for forgiveness. You do not have to lift a finger to help others with their needs. Everyone is welcome in hell. Todos, todos, todos.
Mercy exists because sin exists. Mercy exists because judgment exists. Mercy exists because hell exists. Where sin is hidden, the essence of mercy is also hidden. The aim of mercy is not to tell others how bad they are but to tell them about the forgiveness of sins. All you have to do is ask sincerely. There are no strings attached. I thank God every day for His infinite mercy. I see so much anger and aggressiveness in our times. People would not be as aggressive and angry if they knew about God’s forgiveness. However, asking for forgiveness implies acknowledging sin. This is the key to peace of mind and heart. Nothing works so disastrously as denying evil. Usually, things go from bad to worse.
It seems that FS wants to make peace with secular society, but peace at the expense of morality and truth is the most merciless “peace” imaginable. God loves everyone. He loves all sinners, but He hates your sins. He fervently hopes that you will return to Him, just as He hoped for the Prodigal Son’s return. He wants nothing more than for you to share in His love.
For these reasons, I welcome the clarification provided by the timely book The Breached Dam by José Antonio Ureta and Julio Loredo. It fully demonstrates how Fiducia supplicans is the result of a process prepared by a very well-organized pressure group within the Catholic Church.
Keep up the great journalism, you have a bright future ahead of you!
Do people in the church who pine for the outdated Latin Mass and insist on worshipping one every Sunday constitute “a process prepared by a very well-organized pressure group within the Catholic Church?” Different people have different interpretations and views on various issues. Speaking up about them does not make them a "pressure group." The extreme traditionalists his Holiness admonishes for committing spiritual suicide are the ones out of communion with the Holy Father.